Monday, November 2, 2020


 Dear Readers

I had to take a moment to process the result of the Depp-Heard case.

I wasn't entirely surprised by the result, since it's clear that the attitude towards male abuse victims seems to be to stifle us, to shut us up, gaslight us that it's our own fault because "other men/toxic masculinity/patriarchy" and other such bollocks.

Johnny Depp didn't get justice, and this is a pattern I've seen before. Male abuse victims are blamed, paranoid so-called "feminists" (especially male ones) with no experience of abuse accuse us of being thieves, robbing female victims of something (even though female victims of abuse are much more supportive), we're accused of being the real abusers.

And this cannot continue.

We need to keep fighting for positive change. These concern trolls, abuse apologists and abusers need to be forced - whether they like it or not - the truth of male abuse victims.

We need positive change in the law, in media, in education, not the empty rhetoric about fake "boys-will-be-boys" quotes. We need positive change, and we won't do that sitting on twitter and facebook blogging about it.

If anyone wishes to DM me on twitter with new ideas and plans, I'd be delighted.

We organise our own protests, our own petitions, start pressuring the law and the media. We start changing minds, start exposing these permissive attitudes in law, in media, in groups like womensaid. We don't just give up, we continue fighting for positive change for ALL male abuse victims and we don't stop until we win.

The #JusticeForJohnnyDepp story may be finished, but for our own fight, trust me on this, it's not over.



The Invisible Man