Friday, May 31, 2019


Dear Readers,

I first heard of Professor Hugo Schwyzer roundabout the date of the first Slutwalks in the mid-2010s, where women in America, and in Canada, were banding together against the shameful message that by wearing revealing clothes they were "asking" for it. Though some of their responses were not exactly great to say the least (that's another story), the reality is that to tell someone that by dressing in a minidress means that they've only themselves to blame is a disgusting thing to say, and they were right to oppose this concept.*

Schwyzer started getting in on the act, painting himself as a leader of the Slutwalks, a male feminist champion and "ally" of women (in layman's terms, self-satisfied, smug hypocrite), who railed about the injustice of older men taking interest in younger women: 

"Women rape boys, and it is awful. It is also comparatively rare. And though we can presume some degree of underreporting from boys, that underreporting cannot be quantified. What can be quantified makes it clear that the overwhelming percentage of sexual predators are men, and the overwhelming percentage of victims are women."

No doubt there are many male survivors who've endured this tedious little sermon from numerous "woke" and "progressive" types who've served to patronise you while pretending to be sympathetic, but that's beside the point of this article.

(Source posted here:

Of course, by the time I was aware of his existence, he was already under investigation at Pasadena University where he worked. He was revealed to have had - or attempted - an affair with a woman nearly 20 years younger than him, he confessed to an attempted murder-suicide on his personal website (link deleted), numerous other examples of misconduct - particularly with women - and he was also guilty of having sexual relations with several of his female students. The university got rid of him, the feminist message was also clearly 'never darken our doors again', and Schwyzer's anti-feminist foes didn't refrain in treating him with disgust and contempt that everyone by now felt that he deserved. Nowadays, ask either a feminist or an MRA (or a male survivor advocate) who's ever heard of Schwyzer what their opinion of his is, you can bet your bottom dollar that their opinion will be something along the line of 'dirtbag' (more likely something more severe and unkind to be honest).

To the best of my knowledge, unless I'm mistaken, the former professor now ekes out his existence working in a grocery store.

The sad tale of Professor Schwyzer is a rather sordid and shameful one of humiliation and the destruction of one man's reputation. It's an unpleasant thing to witness (as happened recently with our own Prime Minister Theresa May), and to revel in it is something we've all done in this day and age at some point, but in reality it's nothing to be proud of enjoying. It's sick, it's horrible, and it disregards the pain of others involved.

Keep in mind that those who say 'women do it too' in regards to sexual assault and abuse, they've probably found out the hard way. It's highly unlikely that they bring it up to put women down because most men don't even know about male sexual assault victims, except perhaps in the context of prison rape, less so domestic abuse and general abuse victims.

Of all the ways of trying to put women down, why on earth would one use a method like that one? One that sets one up to be so potentially mistreated and humiliated? Why on earth would anyone bother with this method to get at women, rather than to highlight a problem that they've discovered in the worst way imaginable, but nobody else in their eyes has?

 In more recent years, the popular online review channel known as 'Channel Awesome' yielded its own scandal. Its owners presented - and still present - themselves as 'progressive' and express such opinions frequently. Here's an example from Doug Walker (Nostalgia Critic) discussing an anti-sexual harassment commercial

'The funny thing is, sometimes, I wonder if this would still work if the roles were reversed, like, if it was the woman hitting on the man. My guess, in all honesty, would be, "No." For one, kind of obviously, this happens more to women than it does to men, but two, men just aren't smart enough to recognise when they're being hit on. We're kinda dumb that way. If a woman is not interested, that's the one we go for, but if a woman IS interested, we're blindly naïve to it for some reason. If a female biss is hitting on a male worker, he's not gonna catch onto it anytime soon.'

When faced by criticism for his shoddy attitude towards male victims of sexual harassment, Walker was less than gracious. Trigger warning for Doug Walker mocking male harassment victims. Skip to 7:30 if you can stomach it.

Sadly, it seems that Walker's ignorance pervaded his channel, which as it turns out, was full of bad management decisions, bullying, sexual harassment, and even sexual assault. None of the latter two things can be attributed to Walker, but his poor attitude towards male sexual harassment victims is quite plain.

Full details can be found in the link below.

Another more recent example is Louis CK, who made this statement during one of his stand up routines:

'We're the number one threat to women. Globally and historically we're the number one cause of injury and mayhem to women, we're the worst thing that ever happened to them.'

At the time I heard that, I'd already heard reports about him cornering unwilling women and masturbating in front of them, so I found his above opinion while not only nonsensical and wrong (traffic collisions and accidental falls feature much higher in injury to men and women), I found his comments to be disturbing. So when the #MeToo movement kicked off, I strongly suspected that CK would be exposed, and oh boy was I vindicated!

Finally, the most gratuitous example is Harvey Weinstein. A thug and a bully fawned over by the great and the good for his 'progressive' politics, friend to the rich and powerful, as we all know, revealed to be a serial predator and sexual abuser. He was also on one of the anti-Trump "pussy hat" marches. Here is the link: 

So why am I angry at this sorry parade of 'progressive' predators? Because it's men like that who dismiss and grind down male survivors, we who've had to fight tooth and nail for the barest scraps from the table. Progress to changing attitudes to our portrayal in media, progress towards providing funding for shelters and programmes to help us have been painfully slow. And on top of that, we get accused of being wimps, or self-pitying crybabies, and often it's by 'woke' men like the above, trying to prove their allyship to women while being the proverbial wolves in sheep's clothing.

It is a travesty for these disgusting, nauseating fools to grind us down and accuse us of misogyny, while they pretend to be friends to womankind, and act out their predatory fantasies that they conceal by going 'Like OMG men are like the worst!' to hide their true nature.

There are men out there who behave like the above who aren't predators, and I'm hardly saying every single one of these individuals are in fact predators. Their rhetoric is still hurtful and damaging to male survivors like myself, but to use their own logic, how do we know that we can trust them? Because predators posing as 'woke progressives' is outrageous and damaging for all survivors regardless of gender.

Of course, to say anything puts one at the risk of being mobbed by trolls and other anonymous online parasites, I've had this happen to me, and on one occasion when a twitter troll got his rhetoric about 'toxic masculinity' as being the cause of all that ails male survivors rejected by me, he accused me of being crazy and needing help. Needless to say, I blocked him. Not that I had any choice, but it was rather disturbing.

To wrap this up, I want to make a statement. If the 'woke' movement calls male survivors and our advocates 'MRA misogynist crybaby Nazis' and then said speakers turn out to be predators or rape apologists, then there's something seriously wrong with the movement.

And if anyone out there is going to smear me and call me names I have this to say for you.

Say it when you see me.


The Invisible Man

*My own therapist illustrated this by telling me how one of his previous clients had been blamed by her rapist for wearing a school uniform, to which he pointed out 'what else were you supposed to wear?' in response.

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