Saturday, June 25, 2022


 Dear Readers,

Things have been pretty hectic recently with my madcap holiday in Amsterdam. Craziness galore and adventure abound including sleeping on a railway station bench on the way back home. So, it's pretty late for me to return, but a lot if stuff has happened this week thst I want to share my thoughts on.

Firstly, Johnny Depp's justice has officially been finalised and I couldn't be happier. I've also managed to join some chat boxes with some wonderful people so if I haven't mentioned you directly, please don't be downhearted, you've been great. And thank you to all who listened.

What concerns me about this trial though is that it's important not to just let it die. This isn't just about Johnny Depp but about other abused men and it's up to us to keep saying what Csmille Vasquez said, 'domestic violence doesn't have a gender'.

Obviously the extremists and naive who say otherwise won't go down without a fight. It'd suit them down to the ground if we just forgot and let it die off. This is also something that still affects abused women, and we need to make it clear that just because she lied (and abused) doesn't mean all women who come forward do so.

However, not all news is good news like Depp. War rages in Ukraine, cost of living post COVID skyrockets, and to crown it all, the US Supreme Court today overturned Roe vs Wade, the law enshrining abortion rights for women in the US.

This law is overturned largely because Donald Trump installed some individuals who were against it for years, just at an opportune moment, as a number of Supreme Court figures were retiring, so that now he's gone from office the U.S. is still experiencing the effects now.

Personally I'm in favour of abortion, not just on principle of women's right of autonomy of person, but also because of practical reasons, and driving it underground will only make it dangerous and increase poverty. Having said that, there are issues such as parenting decisions and if they would be performed for dubious reasons (such as if they're disabled, which has some unfortunate inplicstions). As such I always hoped that these questions would be answered by science and finding solutions to the problem. Not anymore now.

Fortunately, there are options, in that this won't mean a blanket outlawing, so some states will allow it to remain legal, so hopefully women who need an abortion can go to such states to arrange one, depending on what the laws in travelling through states for this reason specifically say.

Unfortunately, the usual misandrist radfem types will be convincing angry and disaffected women that this is a male oppression of women, that men are against abortions and women are for it. Such is how extremism spreads and infects those people vulnerable and gullible enough to fall for them.

Of course, it's not remotely true. According to a recent poll by Vox/PerryUndem, the percentage of men AND women who are pro choice is about 31% while male pro-lifers are at the 25% mark compared to female pro lifers who numbered roughly 28% to 29%. In the same poll, those who were neither were in the 21% mark. The only place this poll in which men outnumbered women was those who were 'both' pro-choice and pro life in which case men were about 18% and women about 16%.

Similarly, according to this poll from 2018, 60% of Americans are pro abortion within the first three months of a pregnancy, meaning both men and women feel the same way, while only 12% of both support abortions in the final three months of a pregnancy. 

In other words, "no pussy no opinion" is essentially a meaningless assumption since, like I've always said as a foreign observer, there are both men and women (etc) on both sides of the debate.

This being the case, we need to not allow it to form an excuse for the radfem types to oppose progress for abused men, nor will we allow them to support or give a pass to abusive women out of spite. 

Personally, I feel for the women who have supported Johnny Depp and abused men in the U.S. and suddenly have to deal with this. If you are such a woman, you deserve better. As a foreign observer, there's not really much I can do to influence this but if there are any petitions you wish for me to support or donations or important information pertaining to the subject that you'd like me to spread around, don't hesitate to contact me.

So that being the case, on the one hand we have a victory for humanity (Depp trial win) and on the other we have a defeat (Roe vs Wade overturned) and so we see a rather bittersweet week. But we carry on, for men, and for women, and so on. As one of my followers said, joy and tragedy come hand in hand.


The Invisible Man

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