Friday, March 20, 2020


Dear Readers,

As you're already painfully aware, the news is jam packed with stuff about COVID-19, the devastating disease that spread from China to the rest of the world. This is beyond anything I've seen before, and it's not even my first Pandemic (which was Swine Flu in 2009-2010).

Being in the UK, I personally suspect that we'll see the peak of it by either May or June and the decline will last into sometime next year, but of course, that's just my opinion. I may well be wrong, and it may go on for even longer, but it's impossible to tell at this point. Sadly I don't have a crystal ball, nor does anyone else.

We're not even the worst hit at the moment - that being Italy, which is suffering terribly, and we're barely a month into this. I've been worried sick that my job has been on the line, but my boss is seeking funding from the government - including the generous offer from Rishi Sunak - and has very kindly offered me a regular income while we're stuck (since my work is practical outdoors work).

Of course, at the same time, all of our plans have been buggered up. I had a few travel plans but those are now up in smoke, as is the case for everyone, and my parents are quite old, so I'm going to be helping them as best I can. Unfortunately, it meant that my ideas to take my message beyond my blog this year are going to be postponed, but #SpreadTheWord as best you can when appropriate in these times (hard to know A.T.M).

As a result, I'm going to post things on social media, but the blog is going to be on hiatus for now, just until things settle down.

All I can say to you folks is stay safe, wash your hands regularly (my mum drilled that latter message into me as a kid, and it's stuck - makes it very hard to catch disease), self-isolate if you show symptoms

In the meantime, do what you can to help, especially the elderly who are at most risk, or people who are short of food. While I can, I'm still walking my neighbour's dog, but how long that'll be possible is hard to tell. Buy groceries for people too old or sick to do so. Call up elderly people who may already be very isolated and lonely. If you're from an at-risk group, please stay safe, stay indoors for now.

And remember, it won't go on forever. Whether by summer or next year, this nightmare will eventually be over.

This too shall pass.


The Invisible Man

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